1 definition by Keenrahovin

Noun- A Large Elder Dragon that seems all innocent at first and you start thinking to yourself “oh I can do this” but then he leaps into the air and one shots everything within a 5 mile radius. You recover and and go back to the fight, the Nergigante limps away and you see a glimmer of hope shining through, good game shithead he’s going to dive bomb you 5 times within 2 minutes when you wake his ass up

Verb- Being one shoted or on a slightly larger accurate scale butt fucked Into oblivion
Noun- “Man I was so close to killing the Nergigante but I just got Butt fucked

Verb- “Man I was so close to killing that Rathalos but I just got Nergiganted”
by Keenrahovin February 6, 2018
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