1 definition by Katty, duh

Killing stalking is a manhwa (korean manga) about a boy, Yoon Bum, who falls for another boy, Sang Woo. He gets obsessed and one day he decides to break into his apartment. We find out that Sang Woo is crazier than we can imagine (and than Yoon Bum will ever be, even though you may not think it is possible).

Many people love it because of its dark theme or the way it shows the mentality of a person with a borderline disorder and how the unhealthy relationship may look. Many people hate it for the same reasons. Sadly, there are also many people who love it only because it's yaoi and "yaoi = good and cute and we ship it" in their opinion. they also are the reason why people think that Yuri on Ice and Killing Stalking are similar (they are not).
Person A: "Have you read Killing Stalking?"
Person B: "Yeah, but I didnt really like it, too dark for me."
Person C: "Yeah, I have, I loved the psychotic theme and how complicated the characters are."
Person D: "Yeah, oh my gosh, I ship them so much they are so cute together I hope they don't break up or anything! I mean, well, it's not YOI, but I loved it too!"
Person A, B, C: "...what?"
by Katty, duh March 4, 2017
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