1 definition by KarateowlMaster

They are normally loving and caring people. They are great taekwondo instructors. They will be willing to help you in many ways. They normally have dark hair. They are not afraid to speak the truth in a kind loving manner. They will help you no matter what and if you don’t see that they are amazing people you do not deserve them. The name comes from the Czech Republic. They will teach you how to teach someone else, because they care more about helping people rather than being originally successful. They are very successful people! They are very sweet and kind people, that will be there for you, even if you’re not there for them! They are very creative, loving, kind, sweet, caring people, that will help in anyway they can!
“I’m so happy the Spicars helped me with my sparring!”
We Love you Spicars!”
by KarateowlMaster February 10, 2018
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