1 definition by KamTheGreen



Great champ...
A motherfucking piece of shit cuddly looking League of Legends champion, don't let his look blind you. I mean he's gonna blind u anyway but let's jump to teemo's skill set, At first if he stands still for a 1.5 sec he's I N V I S I B L E, his Q one of a few things that let him play top is his Q, The Blinding Dart when he hits you with it you loose half of ur HP and u can't autoatack.
Second part of his kit is useless, by saying 2nd part I mean his W, it's useless if u're pathetic teemo main u don't even pick this ability at all, but don't even attemp to main him, nobody's gonna like u I mean there's a high chance that you main Garen or Yasuo/Yone then you have nothing to loose go ahead. Third part is his e which is essentially Nashor's Tooth but it also poisons u and u take magic DMG over time. The FORTH part of his bueatifull kit is his R, FUCKING MOOSHROOMS he places mooshrom a trap that takes half of your hp when u Walk into it, it's also invisible after placing it. Now let's talk about Teemo's player mindset, well it doesn't exist...
X: Oh, I'm dead
Y: What happened?
X: Well I walked into Teemo shroom and then Teemo appeared out of nowhere and didn't let me autoatack him for 2 seconds. Now I'm dead
Y: Mate I'm playing ADC and I'm still alive and ur not LOL. Nevermind i just also walked into shroom, I'm dead too.
by KamTheGreen January 2, 2022
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