2 definitions by Kaferk1d

Similar to the famous ice cream headache, but when you've watched so much pornography in one sitting that you are absolutely at your limit and can no longer enjoy it, or even bring yourself to watch one more frame.
I watched so much porn today, and had such porn overload that I developed a porn headache. I couldn't watch another second or I felt like my brain would explode.

The over stimulation he received from an all day porn watching session left him with a porn headache.
by Kaferk1d September 24, 2010
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Et Y'all - the Texan, or friendlier, less Latin, aka more widely understood version of "et al". It proclaims, "Yes, I'm familiar with writing etiquette, but I'm also from Texas, and we say Y'all" This greeting is the perfect salutation to use when writing or addressing a group of people. Instead of typing out every name in that first line of an email, letter, memo, or other correspondence, one can simply name the first one, and follow it with the friendly "et y'all".
Uncle Terry et y'all,

I 'm writing to let all y'all know that I can't make it to the family reunion this year.
by Kaferk1d September 16, 2015
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