1 definition by Kack Nohan-Tintel

A man with a huge penis, or small penis that still makes any girl cum uncontrollably. He is smart, kind, funny, and athletic. He likes anime but not in a cringy way, but in a I will sex you good kind of way.

With no Zintels in this world there would be no sun, no reason to get up, get yourself a Zintel.

Warning, these characteristics only apply if it Zintel is in the last name, these characteristics are exemplified when it is also in a name with 2 past names.
Real girl #1: God Jack Mohan-ZINTEL made me cum so good last night.

Real girl#2: Hey can’t my boyfriend be more like Jack Mohan-Zintel, he’s so hot.

Real girl#3: Just have sex with Jack Mohan-Zintel, your boyfriend will understand.
by Kack Nohan-Tintel November 24, 2021
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