2 definitions by K.A.L.

verb - to use an internet search engine to research a topic, especially with the intent of getting something done quickly and easily. Characterized by using the first five results, despite credits or presence of accurate information.

noun - the website, page, or entry from which the information was taken.

noun - slang term for the person one gets to research for them
Yo man, I totally just googlebitched that history project.

Andy used Wikipedia as his googlebitch for a report on Gregorian Chant.

This essay is great! Thanks googlebitch
by K.A.L. February 7, 2008
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verb - to use an internet search engine to research a topic, especially with the intent of getting something done quickly and easily. Characterized by using the first five results, despite credits or presence of accurate information.
Yo man, I totally just googlebitched that history project.
by K.A.L. February 7, 2008
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