1 definition by K<33

Neeshith is a person that is compassionate, loyal, perfect, as well as stunning on the inside and out!
Their instincts are always correct; never doubt them since they always provide the best and most accurate advice.
They may appear harsh while being honest, but they are not; they are bringing out the genuine colours that exist within you, demonstrating that you are perfect the way you are or that there is potential for development, and that's fine!
Neeshiths are devoted lovers who will never abandon you, staying at your side through thick and thin, high and low.

Neeshiths go through a lot of sorrow, from childhood to old age, the pain of losing someone they love, the pain of not trying hard enough. However, when a neeshith recognises they need to do something, they will go out and do it, no matter what. They are ever more dedicated, determined and laser focused. They provide the best motivation and surge a sense of possibility and hope in all those they love <33

Neeshiths are a gift to those who receive them; those who have a Neeshith, have already experienced what it's like to dwell in heaven.

If you have Neeshith, don't let them go; their charisma, love, and dedication will shine brightly throughout your life.
Be eternally grateful for Neeshith's presence in your life.33
"I need a neeshith to add love, life, and energy to my life!!"
" Neeshiths are the best at advising"
"There ain't love and hope if there ain't no Neeshith" <33
by K<33 January 28, 2022
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