4 definitions by Justy-clit
Anything that can be described as "crazy" or "cray-cray" while speaking about Game of Thrones. As the namesake implies, this is in reference to Walder Frey, and the entire Frey lineage, as he is they are fucking crazy.
by Justy-clit April 4, 2013
The infant sister of the pancake booty. A term which refers to a practically non-existent ass. Despite its use, it defies the laws of twerkability; Please do not try.
by Justy-clit August 27, 2013
Like when your 'dogs are barking' but, rather than sore feet, another structure of the anatomical leg is sore.
by Justy-clit November 20, 2017
by Justy-clit April 21, 2011