2 definitions by Justin Britt

BASH - BASH Superceded 'sh', the original unix shell. BASH stands for Bourne Again Shell.

Other shells:
ksh (Korn Shell), sh- Original Shell. There are many others
Bash is available for free from the GNU/Bash website.
by Justin Britt March 26, 2004
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George Bush

George Bush is a war happy President of America that probably only won because of vote-counting screwups in the State of Florida. George Bush has done very little to help America, except make it hated by most of the world.

George W Bush was also addicted to cocaine and was a chronic alcoholic, and has had a DUI in Maine.
George Bush - "I'm a uniter not a divider. That means when it comes time to sew up your chest cavity, we use stitches as opposed to opening it up."
by Justin Britt March 26, 2004
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