1 definition by Justin 2122

The seat at an event you always seem to find yourself in. A seat where directly in front of you is either a pillar, or an obnoxiously fat or tall person. The obstruction is set in such a way that you cannot see what is going on. The worst part is something truly amazing happens, and you can't see.

It is a reference to The Cubs Wrigley Field, where this is the case with every seat, every time you go.
Tom: Did you see that point in the concert where those two naked chicks totally started making out on stage, and then the monopoly guy started throwing free money out into the crowd, and then Jimi Hendrix came back from the dead to rip one killer last riff...

Dave: No, I had a motherfuckin Wrigley Seat...

Tom: You poor bastard.
by Justin 2122 December 7, 2009
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