1 definition by JustATuler

The YeetyYos were an ancient, powerful and wise race that spawned, created and brought to life: the ways of the Yeets and Yos. For their dialect is so vast and complex its is nearly incomprehensible to even the smartest of people; We've only been able to obtain a few words, that too this day many people use on a daily basis. Such as the popular words "Yeet, "Yo" and "Yote". Though there are only few masters, and people alive too this day that are educated enough to talk and spread the ideology and being of the YeetyYos.
Praise the YeetyYos!

Did you know: That less then 1% of people living on earth today, can tell the tales of the YeetyYos?

by JustATuler August 31, 2019
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