2 definitions by Junglecat_z910

She’s a woman. She has the innocence, playfulness, and The beauty of a girl but she is the ideal- a dream woman. She keeps everything in check- a solid force and friend in the eyes of many. She isn’t shy and shines very brightly to all who love to marvel in her light. She’s inspirational and very fair. Her wisdom proceeds her and her beauty is unique. She has Amazing style, smells like honey, and always keeps the good times rolling. When you see her you know you’ve met a real shinning star.

She may be fierce and bold but she’s also soft, creative, and delicate. Her emotional intelligence is something you cannot find many placeS. Sharun is an individual. Seriously, one of a kind.
Sharun is a curvaceous goddess.

Did you see Sharun today? She was glowing!
by Junglecat_z910 November 22, 2021
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This person is creative, empathetic, and very intuitive. They can read energy and heal others with their words. Sometimes this person can be selective with who they share their energy with. This is because they have healing power and know their value. This person is athletic, a great cook, and very attractive. They attract Many others who admire there intriguing beauty and attract healthy mates. Because they have so much integrity, they inspire other who wish to rise to the occasion. Thus, making this person a valuable leader, friend, and mentor. The wisdom and healing they possess is unmatched. This person is very grounded/ slow moving ~ usually makes a lot of money, is married, and/ or highly successful. Health is important to them.
Your exceptional like Tyuss!

I felt like Tyuss could read my mind.
by Junglecat_z910 November 22, 2021
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