3 definitions by Judge of All

in high school if youre one the football team, you will probably have weightroom winter training. unfortunately, all these 'tough' football players do is stand around like pussies, and get mad at the actual athletes who try to work out and are much stronger than they are.
"Hey Joe, I fucking hate this football weightroom.Look at that kid over there squatting 405. i could do that, except my jock reputation says i dont have to do it."
by Judge of All January 27, 2014
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Eventually in high school youll meet a group of marvelous douchebags who all want to do the same thing- party. This includes only drinking and smoking pot for about the whole night and just being a useless shitheap. Not only that, but all these high school partygoers hook up with the dirtiest and easiest school whorebags and go around school saying, " Yo bro, I get so much ass.", when reality, they only get the sloppy seconds of some hoe and call all of this a party.
high school high school football game douche bro high school bullshit high school party
by Judge of All November 14, 2013
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These are the leaders of brute packs in the halo games, mostly halo 3. they are seen with enormous crowns, thick black armor,and a huge gravity hammer than can send you flying. they usually charge at you, using their invincibility perk, and unless you have some sort of miracle plan, they will kill you almost instantly.
Random kid playing on halo 3 campaign- "Damn, this brute chieftain keeps killing me with his gravity hammer. This is impossible."
by Judge of All January 30, 2014
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