3 definitions by JuanCena100105

Worst than disgusting, absolutely horendous, the most disgusting ass thing you've ever seen. Could also mean really good. Use context to make specific
This was the most bombusting taco i've ever eaten. Im bouta throw up. (or) This was the most bombusting tack I've ever eaten. It tastes so good.
by JuanCena100105 August 28, 2021
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"Who the fuck are you?" is typically used in anger-inflicting fashion. It is used to ask a person who they are to say that and what the fuck they are doing in that place, place being physically or electronically. People who say are usually trying to be mean and trying to offend the other person.
Person: Your a bitch
Other Person: Who the fuck are you? stfu you fat hoe!
Who the
by JuanCena100105 November 25, 2021
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