2 definitions by JoroSlap

Ziggy is a phrase used to describe all things.
For example; if your significant other cheats on you, they’re a ziggy. But it doesn’t end there. Say that someone comes up and gives you a million bucks; they’re a ziggy for doing that.

Ziggy can also be used as an exclamation. For instance, if you are lifting in the gym and getting pumped to push hella weight, ziggy is a fitting word to yell before, during, or after your lift.

Finally, to whoever is reading this.. You’re a ZIGGY
by JoroSlap June 19, 2022
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Used to describe an act that is ziggy.
For example; if someone does something that is ziggy, instead of saying it was ziggy one could exclaim, “that’s some straight up ziggery right there”.
by JoroSlap June 19, 2022
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