1 definition by Jorma Taalasmaa

Kaan is a man or boy who loves to play minecraft and cunter stirik. Kaans usually have severe mental retardation due to problems with their breeding process. Most kaans are inbred and usually overweight due to severeeating disorders. Kaans usually come with different sizes, but most kaans have a thing called medical micropenis due to their genes not allowing them to reproduce so easily, to preserve the high intelligense of human kind, which kaans usually lack.

Kaans are well known for being manipulative and scam-artists. Kaans usually work at scam centers, because indian people usually accept kaans due to the turkish-kurdish diagram that kaans usually fall on. On the turkish-kurdish diagram, kaans usually fall in the middle, at the kurkish section, so kaans are most of the time kurkish by race.
Look at that kaan there, he most likely weighs 120 kilos.
by Jorma Taalasmaa December 20, 2021
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