1 definition by Jonathan Michael

The worst band ever to be in history. Death will come to you if you listen to these idiots sing
Person 1 - "Did you listen to Nirvana's new song yet?"
Person 2 - "NO! They make you die if you listen to them!"
Person 1 - *AHHHH! Im dieing! HELLLLLLP*
Person 2 - "HELP! HELP! My friend died!"
Ambulence person - "What happened?"
Person 1 - "He listened to a Nirvana song, then sadly, he died"
Ambulence Person - "Oh, yeah, that stuff is deadly, stay away from it, that is our number one killer this year"
Person 1 - "Yeah I know. Okay, thanks! Take care! :)"
by Jonathan Michael December 22, 2006
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