4 definitions by Johnny Jizzem

This is the beautiful act of where you are laying the pipe and you stick your finger in your partners brown eye. wiggle you finger till your partner starts to squirm. at this point with one single sweep, hook your finger in their mouth an pull hard. the twist..... while you are pulling like you caught a beast of a fish spit in their mouth. let go. then proceed to blow your man juice on them and laugh hysterically. note they are so preoccupied with the spit in their mouth they neglect to realize their was a shit covered finger in their mouth
Mike gave blakes mom the rusty fish hook with a twist last night. it was great.
by Johnny Jizzem March 4, 2007
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This happens when a co worker starts a job or task and states "i'll be back"...just to never come back and leave the job for you to finish. Or does come back five hours later when the job is done.
Blake: Hey johnny i just started faxing this TPS report. Could you watch this "i'll be back" i need to get coffee.
Johnny: Hey asshole!! dont pull a Sgt Lee you better come back!
by Johnny Jizzem April 25, 2008
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This term is derived from douche bag or dirtbag. Commonly used in reference to coworkers or a true asshole!
Blake: Hey johnny, that asshole shawn just pulled a sgt lee
to go text that hoe he rusty fish hooked last night.
Johnny: What a Bag of dirt with hair!
Blake: Fuck it....
by Johnny Jizzem April 30, 2008
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This lovely problem occurs after a fun "filled" night of anal sex. Looks like a pink sock hanging from the anus.
Blakes mom hesistated to have anal sex due to fear of a blown "O" ring but could not resist.
by Johnny Jizzem April 21, 2008
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