9 definitions by John Clarkie

Otherwise known as 'Leet', 1337 is Internet slang that replaces letters with numbers. Mostly used by assholes in games or chatrooms who think they are above than everyone, think they can do what they like, think they are cool and think they are hackers. In real life they spend too much time on the computer, refer everyone as n00bs, have no social life and have no friends. If you think your 1337, your gay.
'leet' guy: 0m9 1 t0t411y pwn3d j00 1 4m 50 1337!!
normal guy: Stop talking in numbers you retard.

Translation: Oh my god I totally owned you I am so Leet!!
by John Clarkie April 21, 2008
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A stupid japanese themed cartoon that wierd people watch.

All the characters have massive eyes, crazy hairstyles and have noses like dogs.

Anime cartoons are things like Pokémon, Dragonball GT ect.
John's Friend: Hey, did you watch Pokémon last night?
by John Clarkie January 27, 2008
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