2 definitions by John 8 2

Strong as a viking, mighty as a warrior and brave as a wolf at night. Will stop at nothing to get what he wants. Will do everything right and always look for a pig like girl to fall in love with
Seshith hates woodapple
by John 8 2 November 22, 2021
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The name of a greek god, the greek god of gayness. He blesses upon his gay men worshippers by sleeping in bed with them. He was once as straight as a half bent pipe but a heartbreak led him to become completely bent, and now he only wants guys. Once a god and now disguised as a man, he walks among us and you will recognise him with his Jeffrey Dahmer looking haircut.
"Navindu is gay"
"Gay boy Navindu"
by John 8 2 November 16, 2022
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