1 definition by Joel Garcia (Not my name)

The overlord ultimate religion and word in all of history. It is used to express the ultimate strength of feeling in any form of emotion. It is also used as praise, an insult, or even a random word to slide into sentences whilst trying to have a serious yet informal tone.

Its origins stem from combining stereotypical Korean and/or Chinese & Japanese accents in English and the word 'golf'. The accent replaces the 'l' sound with an 'r' sound, perfectly exemplified in the movie Team America: World Police in the song "I'm So Ronery", performed by Kim-Jong Il. This word, combined with full sentences spoken in an exaggerated version of these accents forms the basic grammar of the "Garf" language.
Werr, I trieder to pray with my mommer garf, but she didn't wanter to cause I'm autisticer garf!!!!
by Joel Garcia (Not my name) July 13, 2020
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