1 definition by JoeDirtt!(:

1. The act of being a whore.
2. Looking and being nasty. A whoreific sight.
3. Gross girl.
4. Usually used about someone who has no self esteem and sleeps with guys to keep them around.but they only see her asa go-to girl. You know that they must be devastated on the inside. But on the outside they act proud of it.
Ex: Paris Hilton's sex tape was a whoreific sight.

Girl 1 : she's so proud of being nasty. Its impossible to embarrass her.
Girl 2: I know she's oblivious to the fact that guys only use her.
Girl 1: I know watching her do this to herself is a whoreific sight.
Girl 2: I feel bad for her.she's such a Go-To girl.
Girl 3: yeah, what a bitch.
by JoeDirtt!(: November 23, 2009
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