3 definitions by Jim Venner

star trek fan slang for being close to shitting yourself
man i gotta take a shit, im about to have a warp core breach... to which the replie should always be "make it so"

see also core breach
by Jim Venner December 15, 2004
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detuned~done in
im detuned~
your detuning my head~
this will detune your head~
the act of detuning or being detuned~

To have ones head detuned or DONE IN
jesus paul will you stop singing please, your detuning my head!
by Jim Venner December 15, 2004
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trekkie slang for being close to shitting yourself
man i gotta take a shit or else im gonna have a core breach.. to which the replie should always be..."make it so"

see also warp core breach
by Jim Venner December 15, 2004
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