4 definitions by Jesse squeeb_erific_poot_2@hotmail.com

a slang word for gay. Originates from WW2 when Nazis would tie primarily homosexuals together like faggots of wood (a bundle of usually fire wood) one would be shot and the two or three people would be pushed off a bridge into a stream or river, the dead body would sink bringing the others down with them. This was done to save bullets.
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a slang word for gay. Originates from WW2 when Nazis would tie primarily homosexuals together like faggots of wood (a bundle of usually fire wood) one would be shot and the two or three people would be pushed off a bridge into a stream or river, the dead body would sink bringing the others down with them. This was done to save bullets.
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A girl who is very attractive to the point where when she walks into a room, the sentence which was coming out of your mouth drifts off into mindless mumblings. comes from the fact that guys are distracted by two things, hot girls and shiny objects, hence shiny girl.
"ok, i really dont understand what to do with matrix in (girl enters room) maba lemer cma.... dude that girl is so shiny!"
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A girl who is very attractive to the point where when she walks into a room, the sentence which was coming out of your mouth drifts off into mindless mumblings. comes from the fact that guys are distracted by two things, hot girls and shiny objects, hence shiny girl.
"ok, i really dont understand what to do with matrix in (girl enters room) maba lemer cma.... dude that girl is so shiny!"
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