3 definitions by Jeremy Harrison

The Brown-Bag Special is when a man sits on the toilet with his partner in his lap. The partner takes a shit and it slides between his legs and against his nut sack, leaving it stained brown, before hitting the water.
She sat on my lap in the bathroom and proceeded to give me a Brown-Bag Special
by Jeremy Harrison May 1, 2006
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Politcally correct slang for "Nigger Rig"
Me: I got my car fixed.
You: Did you have to nigger rig it?
Me: Noooo... I color Engineered it!
by Jeremy Harrison May 18, 2006
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The uncanny ability to use ones surroundings to overcome any situation. Exceptional improvisational skills a must. Quick wit and creativity also play a major role in MacGuyverism.
I shall get us out of this situation, for I am a master of MacGuyverism!
by Jeremy Harrison May 18, 2006
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