1 definition by JeffypillGordyPie

A fork with a bitch on it. Can be used for sexual pleasureful acts, threats, looking like an idiot on the corner of your road, or getting your anger out. The fork can range from the size or a toy fork to the world's biggest fork. The bitch can range from a polly pocket to a 5623896534756 pound woman. Having a man on the fork is strictly prohibited.
1.(appears at someone's house with bitchfork) You did not come to our meeting spot to dye my hair pink you twat! I was you in the fecking cold for an hour! And you didn't show up! BAAH Dye my hair pink now or have this bitchfork at your house forever!!!

2. Oh yeaaah you bitchfork that's the spot

3. I had such a bad day today! Good thing I have this bitchfork to take my anger out on *shoots in kneecap*

4. *doogy humps bitchfork on corner of street*
by JeffypillGordyPie February 24, 2008
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