2 definitions by Jeffrey John
Another step in the evolution of brother, bro, brosef. A little more endearing than brosef, less likely to be used in annoyance. More like "hey buddy" or "whattup little bro."
by Jeffrey John September 22, 2007
A philosophy that encourages forward-thinking optimism with an educated acceptance of a basic level of pessimism. Optimism's fault is it's naivete, pessimism's it's blind jadedness. We live on Earth and are human. There is, was and will be good and bad. Shit happens, dreams come true.
Hey kiddo, have a little pessoptimism. Keep your eye on the mountain, pretend the obstacles aren't there, but don't get too bent out of shape when there's a thousand miles, an abyss, a cougar and crossfire before you get there. And that's alright. The goal isn't really worthy without that stuff in the way.
by Jeffrey John September 8, 2007