1 definition by Jarek Rictus

A Chernobyl Bunny is very playful and loveable. Very sociable by nature, she could very often be the center of attention, although her attention is is often elsewhere.

The Chernobyl Bunny, for many hours of the day, will sit in an unresponsive state, experts believe that the Bunny is "daydreaming", about what, remains to be seen.

If the Bunny is not found "daydreaming", it is often either sleeping or attempting to catch its main source of food, the Jarek, with whom it cuddles and seduces before it noms.

The Chernobyl Bunny is scientifically proven to be he most beautiful and graceful being in, and out, of existance. But don't let this fool you, there are times when it is not a good idea to approach such a being, for it might be in a rare mood where it not only attempts, but succeeds in ripping out your balls and your eyes, and replacing them in each others position.
Zach: Oi, Malarkey, we got to help that Jarek, The Chernobyl Bunny is already seducing him!
by Jarek Rictus February 3, 2010
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