1 definition by James Furlong

The German word for "Dork" , but in the US of A it is usually used to describe a proper "Idiot".

Muellers often live in such redneck area's as Rural areas of Washington state or the Deep South.

They dress in white trash clothing such as checked shirts and allways wear baseball hats , they love to watch Dirt Track racing and their whole life is spent on a quest to actually design build a hobby sports car from that old Camero that has been laying dormant and rusty at the boneyard for the last 10 years.

They generally have atleast one of their front teeth missing and like to grow those funny beards under their botton lips.

If your a Mueller then there is a very good chance "That you really are your own Grandpa.!."

Red Neck , White Trash , Mueller
by James Furlong October 8, 2007
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