2 definitions by Jadlynn

A great girl to talk to. Never ever tries to impress anyone.Never afraid to speak her mind and always a great friend. She'll put anyone down for messing with her or friends or family. She's very pretty but doesn't know it.
Karnesha is so cool I wish I could be her friend.
by Jadlynn April 29, 2016
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A great best friend and very caring. She is an easy person to talk to but if you with her she'll fuck you up. Shes also very pretty but gets in trouble alot.
Tre'yvon: I just got punched in the face.
Rickie: by who?
Tre'yvon By Jalasriel.
Rickie: What'd you do?
Tre'von: I ACCIDENTALLY touched her.
Rickie: you can't mess with her and I'm not just sayin that cuz she's my girlfriend.
by Jadlynn April 30, 2016
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