1 definition by JBDobber

A mythical creature most prominently found in or around Norther Brazil, although sightings have occurred all around the globe. A Werebeaver could be anyone of us. Man by day, but under the cover of the full moon, a large, buckteeth having, bark and flesh craving Werebeaver. In the same fashion as their distant cousin the Werewolf, once bitten by a Werebeaver, you too become one of the tree-nibbling buggers. Their numbers are large, much like their two front teeth, so it's advised if you spot one, to stay away. The only thing that can stop a Werebeaver is a Silver-Wooden Spike.

No known cure for Werebeaveritus (of being infected by Werebeaver) is known. It's a proven and scientifically sound fact that 1 out of 5 people you encounter are in fact Werebeaver.

Stay away from dammed areas of rivers and streams. Werebeavers are more prominent in these areas.
Billy: "I talked to Bob the other day..."

John: "Oh I saw Bob Chewing down his front tree last night."

Billy: "I've been suspecting he was a Werebeaver for months now!"

John: "Do you still have that Silver-Wooden Spike I gave you??"

Turned out John also was a Werebeaver and they bit Billy, Werebeavering him. You can trust NO ONE.

by JBDobber March 23, 2009
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