1 definition by Izzual

~A wonder of nature which that usually ensures a nice high~
~A Plant which turns to a bush then flowers into large buds depending on some of the area conditions~
~some times may be very "Dank" sometimes not but it doesnt matter too much how potent it is.. just smoke more lol~
~Usually smoked in a bong (which is a good/fun way to do it), a pipe (which is good or anyone.. espesially noob smokers), vaporizers, ect.~
~Effects while using: Causes relaxingness, some hallucinations, under water feelings, skippy/out of place feelings, sence of well being, and ..well you just feel really damn good.~
~Bad Effects: I say fuck that :)
fuck anyone who has anything bad to say about weed.
they suck at life and dont deserve the pleasures that "God" has handed down to us.
by Izzual September 20, 2006
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