1 definition by Isleptwithyourmomandshelikedit

Someone who will yell at you for no reason, have a crush on weird objects, sucks at art, is very sus and has a new crush everyday.

Kenna acts gay but is actually straight. Super straight.

Kenna goes for guys named Vincent. She also likes people named Abigail that she can't have. (because Abigails are the best)
Has a HUGE crush on Laila. Legit obsessed with her, pins her on walls to try to kiss her. (Is friends with Abigails ex.)
A complete weirdo, not a good person to be around.
(she has a crush on cookies from cookie run kingdom)
(plays royal high to troll little children, pedo)
"Did you hear about that weirdo that has a crush on cookies?"
"Yeah, that's Kenna"
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