2 definitions by Imyourdad👾🗿

Probably the lamest school in Tampa florida, you have pesty ass white girls that think they’re “cool” 90% of the school is just hispanics and they all smoke weed in the bathroom and shit anywhere they see. Black people there are cool tho
“Aye man what school you go to?”
“Alonso high school”
“man youse a bitch”
by Imyourdad👾🗿 September 7, 2021
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A beautiful, funny, talented, girl who is most likely a black girl. She can be nice when she wants to but when you annoy her she will loose her top in a weird way. If she don’t like you that’s very rare and probably not a good thing, especially when her name is Lelosa.
Lelosa when she is annoyed:
by Imyourdad👾🗿 April 7, 2019
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