2 definitions by ImDifferent

TommyJane is a girl who does whatever it takes to get what she wants, and she doesnt care who she hurts in order to get it. she is very neive, and believes anything you tell her. She lies and cheats her way through things; but most importantly she is a very depressed person and she'll use that against you to get her way, also see Guilt-tripping. Tommy is a great person to be around, when it doesnt involve guys. Jelousy is the key to tommyjane's relationships, have it be through friends or boyfriends.
See that girl over there, she's such a TommyJane, she stole my friends man and then denied it!
by ImDifferent August 16, 2010
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Brown eyed beauty with a hot temper but a warm heart. She'll take the dance floor by storm and wash away all your tears with her laughter. Best friend you could ever have and will cut a bitch if duty calls.
"If we do this ima need Janyll"

"Janyll, that chick over there is trying to dance with my fiancé at your wedding" "Ok, Hold my drink."

"That girl has a resting bitch face" - "Yeah, that's my best friend, Janyll"
by ImDifferent December 22, 2016
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