2 definitions by Ilikemen2203483

Ians are quite possibly the sexiest men alive today. They're not super outgoing or into BDSM, and they don't have a ton of kinks you should consider before climbing into bed with them. However, Ians can be so loving and caring once you get to know them. That is what is important. You need to befriend Ian first before trying to reap all of the benefits and rewards. If you don't, his friends will come at you and literally demolish your entire reputation, if you had one, to begin with. If you find an Ian, hold on tight. You've found a keeper.
Guy 1 "That guy is so good at sports and school and girls and counterintelligence for the communist forces of China"
Guy 2 "He must be an Ian. There's no way around it"
by Ilikemen2203483 February 23, 2022
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Salmaan is a loving, charismatic man, with a joy to live and to fill the world around him with love and beauty. He also is a grandmaster in chess, is a licensed skydiver, freediver, deep diver, ice diver, and scuba diver. He loves to study Russian with his friends who are special. If you find a Salmaan, make sure to never let her go because they are the most important woman you will ever meet.
Girl 1: "I just got asked out to prom by this really hot guy"
GIrl 2: "OMG he must be a Salmaan!!"
by Ilikemen2203483 November 20, 2021
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