2 definitions by Ila&Princess

Form of a behaviour in which a man thinks and acts like a male princess. He thinks he is too special/ too hot / too good to do all the work and to try to pursue or chase a woman. In fact he expects to be pursued and chased by a woman. If he feels he is "being made to work", he is "just not going to play ball", he may say. Male princesses often have nothing to offer as they are extremely self-obsessed and egocentric. They are usually unable to develop feelings towards a woman due to an extremely high level of self-importance. Basically, it is a ‘’Princess Syndrome’’ on steroids.
Friend 1: Hey, what happened to that guy you were dating that you were so into?
Friend 2: Eh, he has The Male Princess Syndrome so no thank you, next!
by Ila&Princess May 28, 2019
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RASTABOLA: a much despised by females 21st century phenomenon of male inability to keep their penises in their pants originating in Jamaica which has spread out globally and is gathering momentum. Rastabola is concerned by its carriers as a non-invasive, non-contagious and perfectly acceptable condition.
Friend 1: What happened to this guy you were dating?

Friend 2: Hopeless case of Rastabola
by Ila&Princess May 16, 2019
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