4 definitions by Ifuckingloveewo

It me it Tom is the famous saying from the one and only Tom from The Verse. This can be found on Ambs and els YouTube channel check them out :). It has now caused people from all over the uk to now start there name with “it me...it”
It me it Tom
It me it jtyk

“It me it Jt is a twat”
by Ifuckingloveewo January 17, 2019
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Jtyk is a group of people from around the UK that like to bully a certain boy called Tappers from THE famous band The Verse. They are not snakes but are some of the most nicest people you will ever meet in your life. They don’t accept new members as they are happy the way they are.
“JTYK is the shit
Tappers has a bowl cut”
“Fuck off jt
by Ifuckingloveewo January 15, 2019
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Ewo is the song title for The Verse. Sadly this song hasn’t been realeased yet. (Boys hurry the fuck up and release it you twats) . The song is called Exit Way Out. This can be used to tell people you don’t like to fuck off
Dean Just ewod”

“Omg it’s ewo
by Ifuckingloveewo January 17, 2019
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What THE famous tappers uses to explain when a tampon hit his head. Isn’t actually a word but it is in Tappers dictionary.
Cause someone did and it twatted me off the Ed
by Ifuckingloveewo January 20, 2019
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