2 definitions by Ice Man 6572

The act of mating with an extremely large women, typically at least 300 lbs., from behind while waving a straw hat about your head and screaming sooooo eeeeeee!!!!!
Mike, I got so faced this weekend! I woke up and found a video of me after the rodeo doing some Humpty Hog Fuckin.
by Ice Man 6572 June 27, 2016
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A small wooden structure with three walls and a roof located at the end of a lonely dirt covered mountain road in the rural area of West Virginia. The structure is intended to be used as a bus stop but after night fall is used as a place to conceal unwanted and/or forced sexual actions on unsuspecting vacationers from out of state.
"Cal, this was an awesome hunting trip but I need to rest before we hike back to camp. You wanna rest over there for a minute?" "Hell nah Dave! Last year when I came up here with Jeff and Kyle they pulled me into that damn Rape Shack and pounded my ass like an African drum!"
by Ice Man 6572 June 30, 2016
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