1 definition by Icantgetenoughofyouliz

Elizabeth is the most gorgeous, sweet, caring, smart, funny girl you’ll ever meet. She is able to light up an entire room with nothing but her mere smile. Her laughter and humor could put even the rudest person in a good mood. She is constantly the life of the party. I have yet to find anyone that talks bad about her. She is an extremely passionate and caring person and you’ll be reminded of that every single day. She’s always had that knack for helping others no matter their situation. She’ll always be there for you and help you in any way that she can. As she’s full of life she never lets anyone or anything get in her way. She always looks at the glass half full finding the good in any situation. Have I talked about how gorgeous Elizabeth is? Yeeeeeesh. You’ll never find anyone half as pretty as Elizabeth. The way her hair looks when he sun hits it, the way her eyes can mesmerize you and put you in a trance, there’s no one like her. If you’re lucky enough to have her in you’re life you won’t regret it. She’ll treat you with all the love in her heart. I have an Elizabeth and she is the most amazing person I know. I’m extremely blessed to be able to call her my friend and I’ll always be here for her. I love you Elizabeth!!!
(Some girl) Who’s that hot ass girl???
(Me) That’s Elizabeth 😍😍😍

I love you with all my heart Elizabeth
by Icantgetenoughofyouliz October 9, 2019
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