1 definition by Iburntmytofu

A fascist political party in Britain; appealing to the gullable, naive & uneducated. They believe that all of Britain's problems can be resolved by stoppping immigration & deporting all "non-British" people. Another group of people that believe in white superiority - afterall, being white is something to be proud of: slavery, capitalism & genocide. A party repeating Nazism; stirring up racial hate & using a certain group of people (in this case Muslims) as scapegoats for all of the current problems. The leader, Nick Griffin, can find no way to justify the result of the ideology that he shares with Hitler himself & so he denies the Holocaust or, as he calls it, the "Holohaux". If you want to see the return of fascism & apartheid; vote BNP. When will we fucking learn?
1933: "All of those Communist Jews have all of the money; they're responsible for the depression & the reason we're all so poor."
2010: "All of those immigrants have come & taken all of our jobs; we all need to vote BNP & get them out."
- "Of course it's not because we're all so fat & fucking lazy that we'd prefer to throw away our education & rely on the benefits that we are spoon fed then wonder why immigrants are those that are employed."
by Iburntmytofu February 13, 2010
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