If you search up this name.... wtf dude- I have never met anybody with this name. But uhm here is a definition, Tsunamakii is kind and smart and due to their name is an ocean baby (I'm an oh-shit baby but nobody cares) but uhm that all I think... why the hell did you search this up? did you expect a bunch of answers- this is the only damn answer you will find so suck on that bitch.
Tsunamakii is a very rare name
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Laila is a very kind person in general but if you mess with her she might beat your ass, trust me. She has a group of friends she trusts with her life and pretty much hates everybody else, she is a beautiful person both inside and out, and lemme tell you, She ain't flat, the earth looks flat compared to her and all of that shit is really real, not one piece of her is fake
I sorta have a crush on Laila
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