1 definition by IMURSOCOOL

Any boy/girl that alternates between trends for indefinite amounts of time before scrapping one 'identity' and moving onto something completely unrelated or contrary to the person they were previously trying to come across as.

The idea is that they may as well just be a legohead, switching from one pre-determined body/style to the next.
A: That chick was nothing but Baby Phat and wigger'd out Marc Ecko gear last year. Then she flipped the script and went all mall-prep Abercrombie. Three months ago she ditched that, dyed her hair four colors, started eating drugs and hanging out with guys that ride BMX. Who is that girl?

B: I don't know man. Some legohead that works the sunglass kiosk at the mall.
by IMURSOCOOL July 21, 2009
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