1 definition by ILoveKorrah

Korrah is a name of the female gender. It is usually a white girl who is very beautiful but does not see it in herself. She can be told anything but it does not changer her opinion about herself she is very stubborn. She can be a bitch at times but gets over it very fast. You do not want to piss her off she may have a very bad temper and will not hesitate to bring it out on you. She does not get jealous easily. With all that being said over all she is a great girl she will be there for you till the end no matter what happens she will always try to make it work she is the most amazing girl ever and I love her!
Guy1: You see that girl over there she acts like Korrah.

Guy2: How does she act like Korrah?

Guy1: She's really pretty but doesn't believe it...
by ILoveKorrah December 30, 2015
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