1 definition by IFuckingHateFurriesBruh

The 2023 Australian Indigenous Voice referendum was held on 14 October 2023. Voters were asked if they approved an alteration to the Australian Constitution that would recognise Indigenous Australians in the document through prescribing a body called the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice that "may make representations to the Parliament and the Executive Government of the Commonwealth on matters relating to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples".

This campaign that was spear headded by the left failed, and caused massive controversy arround racial divide. Most Australians did not wish for the country to be seperated by something as simple as someones race, or have this opinion forced down their throats, they mostly wanted the government to focus on things more important to EVERYONE such as the cost of living crisis.
Jim - "You saw the results last night for the referendum right?"

Joe - "Yeah the yes23 campaign failed badly!"
by IFuckingHateFurriesBruh October 17, 2023
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