1 definition by I got nothin better to do XD

Refers to a female student with an ability to survive through thick and thin on nothing but her own epic. They are charismatic and can be annoyingly emo or annoyingly peppy, often varying between these two extremes at random. Shirleys often worry too much, but are loyal and caring.
You: Hey, Shirley.
Shirley: Ugh, FML.
You: What's wrong?
Shirley: I dunno, I'm just stressed.
You: Aw, come on. You worry too much.
Shirley: (sudden change of heart) Yeah, you're right. COW. HAHA. COW.
You: Haha, you're awesome?
Shirley: So are you!
You: Thanks!
Shirley: *radiates epicness*
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