1 definition by Hyunimun

Alternate spelling of "oof", which is an onomatopoeia (word that sounds like the noise it describes or refers to, in this case the sound a person makes upon impact with an unexpected force that knocks the breathe out of them).

It is more of a 'sound effect' than an actual word, used to indicate that someone feels the impact of a powerful or meaningful statement someone made, or sympathizes with the crushing blow another person experienced. In this regard, it's a synonym for "ouch".

This alternate spelling may be used as a stylistic preference, or to avoid the confusion of this now somewhat uncommonly used word being mistaken as a typo of "of" or "off".
(1) "Ooph; I really felt that speech hit me hard."

(2) "Nancy just got dumped by her boyfriend right before Prom."

"Ooph, that's gotta hurt."
by Hyunimun April 23, 2023
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