1 definition by Hriz

A very overrated "pop star" and "actress". Spends most of her time trying to generate buzz by complaining about everything under the sun and trying to start feuds with more relevant celebrities, usually by claiming that they are somehow making fun of eating disorders for reasons that she pulls out of her ass. This is her main method of getting attention because she fails to do so with her music, which is mediocre at best and her acting, which makes the actors in your local commercials look like they deserve an Oscar in comparison.

She surrounds herself with her rabid, lunatic fans whom are known as "Lovatics". It sounds like a disease for a reason. They look to her as some sort of goddess, despite her lack of talent or remarkability of any kind. They also think she's a "bad ass" and a "rebel" even though she's about as edgy as a 12-year-old posting pictures of themselves giving the finger on Facebook.
Maybe if Demi Lovato focused more on her career instead of the next thing she's going to whine about on Twitter her music wouldn't suck so bad.
by Hriz August 10, 2014
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