1 definition by Hot cupcake you wish to consum

A term commonly used between artist, mainly those on social medias between one another. It is the exchanging of art in any form (though more commonly on traditional media) between one another. Each artist fullfills a request from the other, when complete the artists will give the art to one another in an exchange of works. Both on the giving and receiving ends. With this mutual arrangement, each artist has gained the work of another in what they may deem as equal of value. Though, the arrangements of an art trade should be discussed if it is not with another who you have previously worked with, for some will abandon their end of the agreement only receiving and failing to deliver their part of the deal.
Person 1: I had a fantastic art trade with so and so on instagram, they drew my OC while I drew their dog.

Person 2: that's good for you, maybe I should consider doing an art trade with them as well. Just don't do one with so and so. He completely skipped on his part of the deal! He just took the drawing of his favorite MLP character then abandoned all contact with me, i didn't get my promised drawing of my skyrim character!

Person 1: The bloke! He's a real wanker.
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